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Nabokih S.I.




the article identifies the current problems of families, examines technologies, forms and methods of socio-psychological work with families who are in various difficult life situations   

Ключевые слова:
family, socio-psychological work, difficult life situation, consultation, training   

УДК 364.42/.44

Nabokih S.I.

Belgorod State National Research University

(Belgorod, Russia)





Abstract: the article identifies the current problems of families, examines technologies, forms and methods of socio-psychological work with families who are in various difficult life situations.


Keywords: family, socio-psychological work, difficult life situation, consultation, training.


Socio-psychological work with the family is relevant, since the family is the main social unit in which a person's personality and social skills are formed. Family problems can lead to a violation of the psychological health and social adaptation of family members, as well as to the emergence of conflicts and disruption of relationships within the family. Socio-psychological work with the family is aimed at preventing and solving these problems, as well as at supporting and developing healthy and harmonious relationships within the family.

Families face a lot of problems, they can be qualified for:

- Economic problems: financial distress of the family due to low wages. [8,73]

Demographic: conscious limitation of the number of children; weakening of the potential reproductive capabilities of families due to family instability, an increase in the number of divorces, leading to an increase in the number of single-parent families [8,73]

- Medical: deterioration of the health of the population caused by unfavorable environmental and economic factors (consequences of environmental disasters, unsatisfactory state of the environment, unbalanced nutrition, limited opportunities for many families to receive a number of medical services, high prices for medicines, etc.), which contributes to the birth of sick children and disabled people [8,73]

Housing: is especially relevant for young families. The solution of this problem for many of the families is very difficult due to the ill-conceived formation of the housing market, the impossibility of obtaining free apartments, low income and high cost of housing, which does not allow all categories of needy families to purchase living space. A limited number of applicants have the right to participate in existing state programs and projects aimed at solving problems of improving housing conditions. [8,74]

The problem of social deviations: alcoholism, drug addiction, the commission of offenses and crimes. Families whose members interact closely with deviant groups and may pose a danger to the normal functioning of society are families of social risk and belong to the group of dysfunctional families.

The problem of upbringing and psychological problems: pedagogical illiteracy of parents in the process of raising children, contributing to disobedience of children, their lack of firm moral principles, negative attitude towards parents. The psychological problems of the family include marital incompatibility, which includes several factors: psychophysiological (inconsistency of temperaments and sensorimotor acts), social role (mismatch of role expectations), value-oriented (lack of unity of views and personal values).

Thus, the social problems of families are diverse. More vulnerable families, which carry elements of social risk, are young, single-parent, large families and families with children. Social workers cope with many of these problems through socio-psychological work.

Socio-psychological work with the family is a type of social protection of the population aimed at promoting, helping, restoring and maintaining the normal functioning of the family.

Forms of work with the family:

  • Individual
  • Group
  • Front [7,224]

Examples of such forms of work can be counseling, discussion dialogue, lecture, seminar, psychotherapy, educational and formative training, psychocorrection.

Methods of socio-psychological work can be divided into diagnostic and educational.

Diagnostic methods:

- Observation

- Survey

- Testing

Educational methods:

- Role-playing games

- Socio-psychological training

The surveillance method is a method in which a social worker observes a family in its natural habitat in order to obtain information about its behavior, relationships, problems and needs.

The situation description method is a method in which a social worker asks a family to describe specific situations that cause them difficulties or conflicts in order to understand their point of view and help them find a solution to the problem.

The contradictory family assessment method is a method in which a social worker asks each family member to evaluate their relationship with other family members, and then compare these assessments with each other in order to identify contradictions and help the family resolve conflicts.

The role-playing method is a method in which a social worker invites a family to play a role-playing game in which each family member plays the role of another family member or an external observer in order to understand their point of view and emotional state, as well as help them resolve conflicts.

The counseling method is a method in which a social worker provides the family with information, advice and recommendations on various issues related to their problems and needs, and also helps them develop an action plan to solve these problems.

And it is also important to note such important technologies as: training, family therapy, trainings and courses for parents, work with crisis situations.

Thus, from all of the above, we can conclude that socio-psychological work with the family is an important tool for solving problems that arise within the family, as well as for supporting and developing healthy and harmonious relationships between its members. Technologies, forms and methods of socio-psychological work with the family may be different and depend on the specific situation, but they are all aimed at achieving a common goal – creating a favorable psychological climate within the family.




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Номер журнала Вестник науки №5 (62) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Nabokih S.I. TECHNOLOGIES, FORMS AND METHODS OF SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL WORK WITH THE FAMILY // Вестник науки №5 (62) том 1. С. 308 - 312. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/8031 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/8031

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