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Pardaboev U.A.




this article is aimed at revealing the content and essence of the students’ independent study at higher education institutions, which describes how to organize and form the phases of independent study, as well as a number of ways to activate it   

Ключевые слова:
independent work, professional competition, activation, pedagogical diagnostics, student-consultant, community training   

УДК 378.1

Pardaboev U.A.

Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute

(Jizzakh, Uzbekistan)





Abstract: this article is aimed at revealing the content and essence of the students’ independent study at higher education institutions, which describes how to organize and form the phases of independent study, as well as a number of ways to activate it. 


Keywords: independent work, professional competition, activation, pedagogical diagnostics, student-consultant, community training


The decline in the qualifications of professionals in any field of knowledge and practice is often due to the fact that the teacher of the education system focuses on the average model of the graduate in several ways to complete the main curriculum of the course. The future of a nation depends on the activities of today's youth, so in connection with the education of young people, there is a need to improve the quality of the education system at the level of international standards. It is a modern requirement to form personnel with new professional competencies, personal opinion and creative thinking. 

According to American and English didactics, independent study is a self-developing, nurturing educational activity.

Independent study activities can vary (from short-term assignment to self-assimilation of the entire voluntary course). The practice of independent use of knowledge from various sources, including Internet resources, is carried out outside the educational institution. The tasks are different, but they all mean to achieve the goals set by the students. Competitive work, individual assignment work, preparatory work, seminar work (students are introduced to the results of their work) and “search” work to develop special skills (work on their own plan) predominate. 

  The activation of independent study activities includes:

classroom classes should ensure the unconditional fulfillment of the minimum independent study set by all students;

 monitoring the implementation of independent study and individual assignments ; 

development of clear guidelines for the implementation of independent study .

independent study should include the full range of tasks, a list of all knowledge, skills and abilities, a set of requirements, assessments; at the beginning of the semester to give independent study topics, deadlines must be clearly indicated; 

the determination of the initial level of preparation of students, pedagogical diagnostics and implementation of individual tasks;

tasks for independent learning should include a main part for all and a voluntary (recommendatory) part for those who are more prepared;

the most successful students are encouraged to participate in student research.

  The activation of independent study implies the following:

Teaching methods of independent study: developing skills, setting time guidelines for assignments to plan time for the student himself.

To provide a credible demonstration of independent learning for the successful acquisition of professional knowledge, skills and competencies.

Problem-based presentation of meaningful educational information, repeating the usual methods of real thinking used in science and technology.

To apply operational formulas of laws and definitions to establish clear links between theory and practice.

The application of active learning methods (practical research, discussion, group and pair work, group discussion of complex issues, business games, projects, etc.).

To acquaint students with the structural and logical schemes of the subject, its sections and topics, the use of video.

To provide methodological guidance to students to get used to independence, developments that include a detailed algorithm, step-by-step reduction of explanations.

The development of comprehensive training manuals for independent learning, including theoretical, guidelines, solvable tasks.

The creation of interdisciplinary teaching aids, showing the practical importance of various topics and sections.

  Currently, the activities of higher education institutions are aimed at improving independent study and increasing its share. The greatest attention should be paid to the organization of independent learning in all courses. On the basis of a number of suggestions, recommendations it is necessary to distinguish clearly defined areas: the organization of individual curricula, involving students in research work, real design on the order of enterprises; inclusion of independent education in the curriculum and schedule of classes with the organization of individual counseling rooms in the departments; creation of a set of teaching and learning tools for the implementation of independent study ; development of integrated interdepartmental independent study ; Modular-rating management of independent study ; directing lecture courses to independent study ; formation of collegial relations between teacher and student; development of tasks, including non-standard tasks; recalculation of the individual workload of the teacher, taking into account the individual advice and independent study; conducting classes that include students ’initial independent work on a specific topic of academic discipline.

If the above processes are fully implemented, students' independent study activities will be intensified. As a result, the production of highly qualified personnel in our country will accelerate.




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Эрназаров, А. А. (2019). Необходимость применения систем автоматизированного проектирования при обучении студентов инженерных специальностей высших учебных заведений. Вестник науки, 1(11), 20-26.

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №12 (45) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Pardaboev U.A. THE CONTENT AND ESSENCE OF THE ACTIVATION OF STUDENTS INDEPENDENT STUDY AT HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS // Вестник науки №12 (45) том 4. С. 6 - 9. 2021 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/5055 (дата обращения: 03.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/5055

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