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Морозов А.И., Школьникова Л.Е., Валинуров Р.Р.




В статье рассматривается проблема наследия Игр Олимпиад и Олимпийских зимних Игр. Определены временные рамки начала этапа развития наследия Игр Олимпиад и Олимпийских зимних Игр. Выделены основные направления наследия Игр Олимпиад и Олимпийских зимних Игр 2004-2008 год. Проведен анализ путей наследия Игр Олимпиад и Олимпийских зимних Игр и определены новые направления развития наследия   

Ключевые слова:
Наследие, Игры Олимпиад, Олимпийские зимние игры, процесс, развитие, концепция, территория, социум, среда, направление, миссия, планирование.   

Olympic Games have become one of the most significant events in the life of modern society. Cities and countries, conducting games, successfully use the effect of the Olympic events in the development of all spheres of life, including social development, economy and ecology. Analysis of the games results of the last two decades indicate that they are used as a catalyst for the renovation and modernization. This fact has attracted particular attention of candidate cities interested in organizing and holding Olympic Games, to the use of their legacy. In 2002, under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for the first time an International Symposium «Legacy of the Olympic Games 1984-2000» was held. As the result of the symposium fundamental issues related to legacy, were raised which leave behind the Olympics Games and the Olympic Winter Games. As the result, the key areas that need special attention from the organizing committee - planning for sustainable and long-term management of legacy identified. The first who came into contact with the stage legacy development became the organizing committee of the Games ATHENS 2004. Olympic Legacy was realized in 7 directions (infrastructure, urban environment, the environment, culture, education, branding, venue) Cultural legacy at the Acropolis was the creation of special elevators for people with disabilities, a new system of acropolis consecration was also created. Panathinaikon stadium has been completely modernized. Great cultural legacy was the creation of the Athens Archaeological Park. Legacy education was to train 100 000 technical, managerial and other professions related to the Games. Torino 2006 Legacy was realized already in 10 directions. (Infrastructure, sports, urban environment, the environment, culture, education, branding, venue, Olympic venues, volunteers) Legacy tourism branding helped Turin to become a new business tourism destination, showing its rich history, culture and high-tech industry. A year after the Games the number of tourists increased from 100,000 to 150,000. Turin took the 4th places among most visited Italian cities, after Rome, Florence and Venice. Important legacy was the emergence of artificial snow that extend the winter season for residents and tourists for several months.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №2 (2)


Ссылка для цитирования:

Морозов А.И., Школьникова Л.Е., Валинуров Р.Р. THE OLYMPIC GAMES LEGACY 2004-2008 // Вестник науки №2 (2). С. 127 - 128. 2018 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/49 (дата обращения: 04.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/49

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