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Khushbokov O.U.




analysis of scientific activity of Abu Ali Ibn Sina   

Ключевые слова:
science, medicine, Abu Ali Ibn Sina   

The great thinker, philosopher, physician, astronomer and linguist Abu Ali ibn Sina is one of the leading scholars of all time. He is a great genius who has left a bright deep mark on human history. Abu Ali ibn Sina (full name Abu Ali Husayn ibn Abdullah ibn al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sina) was born on August 21, 980 in the village of Afshana near Bukhara. His father was an official and had a reputation. From an early age, Ibn Sina known for his curiosity and tormented adults with his questions. He first studied for 10 years in an ordinary Muslim school. In addition to the school curriculum, Hussein studied literacy, Arabic, and stylistics. At the age of 10, Hussein memorized the entire Kur'an and became a reciter. People around Hussein were amazed at the achievements of the talented teenager. To give his son a stronger education, the father took him out of school and hired a teacher with a special education at home. The teacher was an elderly man who taught Hussein physics, astronomy, philosophy, geography and other similar subjects. Hussein was not the only child in the family, he also had a brother. The father made sure that his sons were spiritually strong. Soon after, despite being a sharp-witted student, Hussein acquired the same level of knowledge as his home teacher, after which he began to study various subjects independently. Hussein, who can surpass even adults in education, became interested in medicine at the age of 14. He read all the scientific works in the city, visited the most critically ill patients to learn the secrets of the field. Ibn Sahl's interest in medicine was due to Abu Sahl alChristian, a physician at the time and author of a medical textbook. One day an unusual thing happened in the palace: the Emir of the country fell ill, but none of the palace doctors could cure him. Then, a young Ibn Sina was invited to treat the Emir. He, in turn, was able to correctly diagnose, the type of disease and successfully treat the amir. Hussein was 17 at the time, yet he was appointed the emir's personal physician. Ibn Sina continued to acquire in-depth knowledge by reading new books in the palace, and at the same time, despite being 18 years old, was able to argue with the great scholars of the East and Central Asia. In 1016, Ibn Sina settled in the city of Hamada. At that time, these lands were ruled by illiterate emirs, which was very useful for Ibn Sina. Here he served as chief physician of the local emir and as prime minister. While living in Hamada, Hussein completed his major work, The Laws of Medicine. This book consists of five volumes: * Volume 1: Medical science - the definition of acute and chronic diseases, their diagnosis, treatment, surgery. * Volume 2: Stories about natural cocaine. * Volumes 3 and 4: Diseases of the human body, recommendations for the treatment of fractures in the organs. * Volume 5: A description of the properties of complex medicines prepared independently by Ibn Sina and the use of the writings of ancient physicians in Europe and Asia as a source. Ibn Sina identified viruses as the causative agents of infectious diseases, but this hypothesis was confirmed only 800 years later by the French scientist Pasteur. Ibn Sina's philosophy of stroke is also noteworthy. He elaborates on this in his book. He was also one of the first to describe plague, hepatitis, plague and other similar diseases. In a short time, Ibn Sina's Laws of Medicine became a world-class encyclopedia used in all countries. The physician, the great ruler Ibn Sina, one day fell seriously ill and lay in bed. Ibn Sina's disciples, his closest friends and relatives gathered. While his friends spoke kindly and tried to cheer up the great physician, to improve his mood, his disciples began to treat their teachers with drugs. Ibn Sina thanked his friends and said to his disciples: "My students, my day seems to be over." So don’t try in vain to cure me. When my day is over and I die, do not weep or sigh. Only if you pray for me and visit my grave from time to time. And again, the teacher is dead, so don't worry about the medicine. I’m leaving 4 great doctors in my place. Always follow the advice of these doctors and encourage others to do the same. One of Ibn Sina's disciples: Teacher, who are the doctors you mentioned? He asked. Then Ibn Sina: I’m leaving 3 great doctors. One of them is cleanliness, the second is diet, and the third is physical education. And the other two are the mood with the client. To be always clean and tidy, not to eat what is visible, that is, not to eat blindly, not to eat in moderation, not to know the norm, not to drink alcohol, not to move the limbs not to miss, not to forget the customer, and finally to try to keep the mood good. If what I say is followed, not only will the disease stay awake, but premature death will recede. Ibn Sina had a very rich scientific life. He ascended and descended. Ibn Sina, who had fled his homeland, was not fortunate enough to return to his homeland, and  died in 1037 in a foreign land. The great scientist buried in the city of Hamaron, and 8 months later, his body transferred to Isfahan and buried there


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №2 (35) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Khushbokov O.U. SULTAN OF MEDICAL SCIENCES ABU ALI IBN SINA AND HIS DISCIPLES // Вестник науки №2 (35) том 3. С. 5 - 8. 2021 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/4201 (дата обращения: 18.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/4201

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