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Nokhrin M.V.




the article deals with the issue of the relevance of the use of modern innovative technologies in foreign language lessons. The use of innovative technologies in education provides an active, creative mastery of the studied material by the student their application opens up wide opportunities in the organization of the educational process   

Ключевые слова:
innovative technologies in education, information computer technologies, multimedia educational process   

УДК 373

Nokhrin M.V.

Master-Student of the Pedagogical Institute of Faculty of Foreign Languages,

Belgorod State National Research University

(Belgorod, Russia)





Abstract: the article deals with the issue of the relevance of the use of modern innovative technologies in foreign language lessons. The use of innovative technologies in education provides an active, creative mastery of the studied material by the student their application opens up wide opportunities in the organization of the educational process.


Keywords: innovative technologies in education, information computer technologies, multimedia educational process.


World globalization and the rapid development of technology have a huge impact on all areas of life, in particular on school education. In turn, in order to meet the requirements of modernity, significant transformations are taking place in the Russian education system. In the field of school education, new methods and technologies are being applied the educational environment is being transformed and filled.

Thus, the requirements set by the Federal State Educational Standards for the quality of school education are difficult to implement without the use of innovative technologies. Innovative educational technologies ensure the development of cognitive, intellectual and creative abilities of students contribute to improving the quality of the educational process and motivational interest in gaining knowledge. Innovative technologies in the modern educational process make it possible to significantly diversify the content, methods and principles of school education. In addition, innovative technologies provide students with an unlimited amount of information that can be effectively used, as independent work [5]. A modern teacher simply needs to use various forms and methods of innovative technologies that contribute to the expansion of the educational space - this is a requirement of the present time. A reasonable combination of traditional educational tools with modern information and computer technologies is one of the possible ways to solve the problem of modernizing education [8].

Especially relevant is the use of innovative technologies in teaching a foreign language, in particular English, due to the lack of a natural language environment, and the creation of an artificial language environment for students involves the introduction and use of various technological educational tools. Modern educational technologies have found the widest application in teaching a foreign language, so information technologies create the necessary conditions for the development of intellectual competence and open up fundamentally new opportunities in organizing the process of teaching a language.

At the same time, the teacher must find the optimal ratio of the volumes of traditional and modern teaching aids that help create problem situations in the lesson that students can solve by automatically completing learning tasks [4]. The main task of the teacher is to use various teaching methods and techniques to activate the cognitive and creative activity of the student, to help him effectively master a foreign language, the teacher must systematically and responsibly approach the choice of methods and tools for conducting the lesson, educational innovative technologies and material and technical bases.

The most common tools of modern technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language include information computer technologies, multimedia sources, PowerPoint presentations, electronic portfolios, interactive whiteboards, video and audio equipment, various simulators, programs, and educational Internet resources.

Thus, information computer technologies realize the possibility of participating in virtual discussions on various educational sites and thematic forums, and contribute to the implementation of joint creative projects. The use of modern information and computer technologies in the educational process can be considered as one of the active forms of individualization of education [2]. Their use in foreign language lessons in conjunction with traditional teaching methods allows you to train speech activity understand the nature of language phenomena, form linguistic abilities, create communicative situations, automate language and speech skills and ensure the implementation of an individual approach and intensification of the student's independent work, and also helps to increase cognitive activity, motivation and quality of knowledge of trainees. A variety of multimedia resources contribute to the expansion of vocabulary, introduce the grammar of a foreign language, learn to understand speech by ear, and write correctly. The use of multimedia resources in teaching foreign languages is designed to significantly increase the effectiveness of teaching, the main purpose of which is to improve the skills of everyday and professional communication, they allow, in the absence of a natural language environment, to create conditions that are as close as possible to real speech communication in foreign languages. New modern technologies in education give a foreign language lesson such properties as interactivity, multimedia, content visualization also make the lesson attractive and truly modern. Thus, computer visualization of educational content, especially in a playful, interactive form, develops cognitive thinking styles, creativity and mental activity of students and also has a positive effect on their psychological and emotional state [1].

Thus, the use of modern innovative technologies in foreign language lessons makes the learning process more effective, interesting, and contributes to the development of personal and creative qualities of students. At the same time, the main questions when a teacher chooses innovative technologies in a lesson are: what to apply, how to apply, and, most importantly, why apply this or that method. It is necessary first of all to determine the main goals and objectives of the lesson itself, and, consequently, the application of modern innovations within the framework of this lesson. Then we should already ask ourselves what resource needs to be used to most effectively achieve these goals and objectives, and, finally, how the learning tool we have chosen functions. A detailed understanding of the above issues can significantly increase the involvement of students in the educational process and the development of their skills and abilities necessary for learning a foreign language.




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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (61) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Nokhrin M.V. THE USE OF MODERN INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LESSONS AT SCHOOL // Вестник науки №4 (61) том 1. С. 134 - 137. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7652 (дата обращения: 07.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7652

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