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Ivanchenko A.V.




the historiographical analysis of works devoted to the Saltovo-Mayak culture as a whole, as well as military affairs as part of the Saltovo-Mayak culture in Russian historiography is carried out   

Ключевые слова:
archeology, Saltovo-Mayak culture, historiography, military affairs, domestic historiography   

УДК 902

Ivanchenko A.V.
master's student of Pedagogical Institute,

Faculty of History and Philology

Belgorod State National Research University
(Belgorod, Russia)







Abstract: the historiographical analysis of works devoted to the Saltovo-Mayak culture as a whole, as well as military affairs as part of the Saltovo-Mayak culture in Russian historiography is carried out.


Keywords: archeology, Saltovo-Mayak culture, historiography, military affairs, domestic historiography.


About 130 years of history that studies the monuments of the Saltovo-Mayak culture. It should be noted that initially the Saltovo-Mayak culture was studied within the framework of Alan and Khazar studies, which did not have a separate meaning. Only with the accumulation of material, the Saltovo-Mayak problematics emerged as a separate aspect of the historiography of the early Middle Ages.

The boundaries and distribution area of the Saltovo-Mayak culture population were determined, as well as the chronological framework of its existence, established around the VIII-X centuries AD. Certain parallels were drawn with similar and similar material complexes according to the types of ceramics and funeral rites. As a result, a number of studies have been created aimed at reconstructing everyday life, life, and the social organization of culture.

For more than a hundred years of study, considerable material has been accumulated, including of an anthropological nature. It can be said that the first stage of studying the population of the Saltovo-Mayak culture begins with an anthropological find. The burial ground on the Seversky Donets was opened in 1900, which was named «Verkhnesaltovsky». As it turned out later, a whole Verkhnesaltovsky archaeological complex was found on the site of the burial ground, located in the Volchansky district of the Kharkiv region.

The history of the discovery of the burial ground is interesting. So, the burial ground was discovered by a village teacher V.A. Babenko on the slope of one of the ravine collapses. This monument is very important in the course of our work, because, on the one hand, it was from him that the study of the Saltovo-Mayak culture began, which marked the beginning of the corresponding section of historiography, on the other hand, the first anthropological studies were published based on the materials of this burial ground.

An article by S.N. Zamyatnin was published in 1921, who concluded that there was a separate type of culture – Saltovo – Myatsky. [1, с. 48].

At the beginning of the last century, a number of authors attributed the burial ground to the Khazars. [2, с. 54]. However, already in 1909, an opinion was expressed about the ownership of the burial ground of the Alan tribes belonging to the Late Sarmatian association. A number of arguments in support of this version contains the work of researcher Gautier. However, since 1935, after the researchers Zakharova and Arendt, who, based on the ornamented plaques of horse harness and a certain type of sabers, which were very similar to the sabers of Altai, showed the existing parallels between the population of the Verkhnesaltovsky burial ground and Asia. As for ethnicity according to these researchers the population belonged to the ancient Hungarians [3, с. 67].

On the other hand, a sharply opposite opinion was expressed by the famous scientist M.I. Artamonov, who attributed the burial ground to the Khazar-Alan group, which has a very strong Turkic influence. [4, с. 24].

So, such researchers as G.I. Chuchukalo [5, с. 8]. and G.F. Debets [6, с. 54]. were engaged in the measurement of skulls and their analysis.

As G.I. Chuchukalo noted, a number of researchers were engaged in the archaeological study of the burial ground – V.L. Babenko, A.S. Fedorovsky, E.P. Trifelyev, N.E. Makarenko, however, the study did not imply the allocation of an ethnic component. A.S. Fedorovsky noted: «The anthropology of the burial ground is absolutely not developed», Pokrovsky «noted a small growth». [5, с. 9].

According to the researcher, based on craniological studies of 44 skulls of the burial ground, ethnically the population of the burial ground belongs to the Alans, because dolichocrania is inherent in the skulls of the burial ground, while such a phenomenon does not occur among Turks and Tatars. Chuchukalo also pointed out that the skulls have little in common with the Caucasian variant.

So, based on the data of Chuchukalo, later came out to become R. Endyk (1930), which was actively criticized by G.F. Debets for the subjectivity of the conclusions, saying that «Already in the first stage of the analysis, one of the groups was determined as the result of a mixture of Mediterranean, Armenoid, Alpine and Dinaric types! In this way, you can prove everything, or rather nothing!». [6, с. 253].

The development of the material was continued by G.F. Debets, who published in 1931 data on the measurement of Saltov skulls and other anthroponymic material. According to the researcher, the Saltovsky complex absolutely had no traces of Mongoloid impurities. According to the researcher: «All skulls have a pronounced Caucasoid structure, and the differences are reduced to types of the second order. On average, the series is characterized by meso-dolichocrania, but with an admixture of a small percentage of brachycranes.» [6, с. 254].  

The author also noted the identity of the skulls of the Verkhnesaltovsky and Zlivkinsky burial grounds: «The inventory of this burial ground is very close to the Saltovsky, but much poorer. The burial ceremony is also simpler: in Saltovo, the dead were buried in catacombs, in Zlivka — in simple dirt pits. The simultaneity of both burial grounds is beyond doubt, geographically they are also very close. Obviously, these differences can only be explained by social factors.»

One of the conclusions of G.F. Debets was the version about the similarity of the Saltov population with the Scythians of Ukraine, based on the shape of skulls (dolichocrans). Also, this type of skulls is not unique, and also has analogues on the territory of Ukraine. Hence, the author concludes, the "microdolichocrane version of the skull" goes back to the skull of the «proto-European type». [6, с. 254].

Debets G.F. also spoke about the similarity of the skulls of the Saltovsky burial ground with the material of the Mayak settlement of the Voronezh region, which indicates the proximity of the cultures of the population of these territories.

Interestingly, during the Second World War, a well-known scientist of Kharkiv University, L.P. Nikolaev, obtained from the Germans the issuance of a «certificate of protection» for the collection of the Saltovsky burial ground, with the help of which it was preserved. However, some of the skulls were transferred to Germany, the fate of which is unknown. German scientists wanted to rewrite the history of this find, pointing out that the skulls belong to the Goths, in order to once again confirm the antiquity of the «German nation». [7, с. 6].

In fact, the study of the Saltovo-Mayak culture began from the beginning of the XX century – with the discovery of the Upper Saltovo burial ground. The excavations were carried out by such prominent scientists as A.M. Pokrovsky, E. P. Trefilyev, D. I. Bagaley, N. E. Makarenko, A. S. Fedorovsky, G. I. Teslenko. To date, more than 500 graves have been opened.

However, the works of this period were often based on written sources, when archaeological materials were only an addition. In addition, the conclusions were based mainly on the material of the Verkhnesaltovsky burial ground, while the materials of the Saltovsky, Mayatsky and Tsimlyansk settlements were used extremely insufficiently. In addition, the incompleteness of the study and examination of these archaeological sites led to contradictory and often incorrect conclusions.

During the period under review, historiography was of a reporting nature, focused on the Saltovo burial ground, where dozens of catacombs with objects of material culture were excavated every year.

As for the search for new monuments of the early Iron Age, they were discovered by chance, no systematic search was conducted during this period. Usually new burial grounds were located during construction works, which were reported to the Archaeological Commission.

However, even before the October Revolution, it was concluded that the population of the Don basin of the VIII-IX centuries formed a single culture. Anthropological studies of the archaeological material of the burial ground were carried out by such scientists as G.I. Chuchukalo and G.F. Debets, who came to the following conclusions:

1) The population of the Verkhnesaltovsky burial ground is not related to the Mongoloid type.

2) The ethnicity of the population is Alan.

3) Most of the skulls of the burial ground indicate that the population had a long-headed Caucasian type.

A new stage of research of the Saltovo-Mayak culture is associated with the activities of M.I. Artamonov. Firstly, during this period there is a scope of archaeological excavations, as well as the systematization of materials. And secondly, excavations began to be carried out throughout the vast territory of the Don basin, and not only around the Saltovsky burial ground. Researchers during this period paid more attention to the study of settlements and settlements.

In 1935, M.I. Artamonov's book «Medieval Settlements on the Lower Don» was published, which was based on the results of archaeological surveys, and outlined further main ways to study the culture, social and economic life of the Saltovo-Mayak culture. Also in this book contains a hypothesis about the identification of the fortress Sarkel (Russian fortress Belaya Vezha) with the Left-bank Tsimlyansk settlement. This book also contains a fairly complete description of the ceramics of the Saltovo-Mayak culture. The hypothesis about the coincidence of the Sarkel fortress with the Tsimlyansk settlement was confirmed by excavations in 1934-1936, however, K. V. Kudryashov remained in disagreement with these conclusions. [8, с. 117].

In the post-war period, repeated archaeological excavations were also carried out on the site of Sarkel in the area of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir (1949-1951). So, the excavations were also based on the available written sources that identified the fortress with the Khazars, and indicated the year of its death (965). As a result of the excavations, more than two-thirds of the fortress and a huge burial ground were excavated. Sarkel is one of the largest and reference archaeological sites in the South-East of Europe.

M.I. Artamonov in 1940 also proposed to identify the Saltovo-Mayak monuments of the Don and the Azov region. Such a hypothesis was made on the basis of the excavations of Sarkel, and the unity of the cultures of the Seversky Donets and Don. According to Artamon, Sarkel was a feudal castle, a border fortress. The uniformity of the material culture of the Saltovo-Mayatsky district and the Don led the researcher to the conclusion not only about the cultural, but also the ethnic homogeneity of the population of these territories. So, this idea is actively developed in his work – «The History of the Khazars». [9, с. 515].

As a result, Artamonov came to the following conclusions:

1) The peoples of the Don region and the Azov region of the VIII-IX centuries were a very similar culturally and ethnically group, represented by Iranian-speaking Alans and Turkic-speaking Bulgarians.

2) The peoples of the Don region and the Azov region were part of the Khazar Khaganate and were strongly influenced by it.

3) The birth of the Saltovo-Mayak culture was a consequence of the transition to a sedentary lifestyle and the accompanying flourishing of crafts and trade.

It should be noted that the above conclusions, in general, correlate with written sources.

In general, we can say that in the first half of the XX century there was an active development of concepts and approaches to the study of the Saltovo-Mayak culture as a whole. It is also important to pay attention to the fact that at this stage there are some contradictions among researchers, or rather in their conclusions.




Замятнин С. Н. Археологические разведки в Алексеевском и Валуйском уездах / С. Н. Замятнин // Воронеж. Ист. Арх. Вест. 1921. № 2. - Воронеж, 1921. – С. 35–39.

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Готье Ю.В. Кто были обитатели верхнего Салтова? - Т. 5 изд. - Ленинград: ИГАИМК, 1927. - С. 65–84.

Артамонов М. И. Рецензия на книгу Захарова и Арендта. ПИДО, № 9–10 1935. – С. 243.

Чучукало Г.И. Черепа из Верхне-Салтовского могильника / Г.И. Чучукало // Оттиск из Трудов Укр. Психо-Неврологического Института. Материалы по антропологии Украины. – Харьков, 1926. – Сборник второй. – С. 7–14.

Дебец Г.Ф. Палеоантропология СССР Монография. — М.-Л.: Изд-во Академии наук СССР, 1948. — С. 392.

Решетова И. К. Население донецко-донского междуречья в раннем средневековье. палеоантропологическое исследование / И. К. Решетова. – Санкт-Петербург : Нестор-История, 2015. — С. 131.

Кудряшов К. В. Половецкая степь : очерк исторической географии / К. В. Кудряшов. – М : Гос. изд-во географической литературы, 1948. — С. 162.

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №1 (58) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Ivanchenko A.V. HISTORIOGRAPHY OF STUDY OF ARMAMENT OF POPULATION OF FOREST-STEPPE VARIANT OF SALTOVO-MAYAK CULTURE BASED ON MATERIALS OF MONUMENTS OF BELGOROD REGION IN FIRST HALF OF XX CENTURY // Вестник науки №1 (58) том 1. С. 8 - 14. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/6934 (дата обращения: 04.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/6934

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