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Sukhina K.P., Grigorieva K.A.




This article examines a new paradigm of business «Agile Marketing», why it is effective strategy for modern economy, what specific characteristic it has and which leading companies use it to perform successfully   

Ключевые слова:
agile marketing, marketing strategies, unstable market   

УДК 339.138

Sukhina K.P.

Student, Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

(Saint-Petersburg, Russia)


Grigorieva K.A.

Student, Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

(Saint-Petersburg, Russia)





Agile marketing is relatively innovative term in marketing that is underestimated in business environment. At the time of this writing there are a few well-known books on the Russian market connected with this theme. The most popular is “Agile marketing” written by Scott Brinker.

It may seem that agile marketing isn’t relevant enough, but the results of the report done by “AgileSherpas” say otherwise. They asked respondents to put themselves into one of three categories: Traditional (plan work in advance using a lot of detail and try to stick as closely as possible to that plan), Agile (have plans, but they’re flexible and change often), Ad hoc (don’t make long term plans, work on what seems right from day to day). This worked out to 40.3% who called themselves traditional, 36.7% who called themselves Agile, and 18.4% who called themselves ad hoc. Just under five percent (4.6%) selected “none of the above” [1]. Accordingly, not many people know how to apply new method in strategic planning practically in various kinds of businesses.

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to a relevance of this theme. In our modern changing world audience expectations never stop rising, as a consequence, marketing strategies become more and more sophisticated, and the number of channels that marketer should reach keeps growing. That leads to a complexity of selling products and making business in common. Тtherefore traditional ways of marketing with rough planning and bureaucratization are not effective anymore. As a result, new methods of planning marketing strategies, which can be useful in a turbulent environment, displace traditional marketing strategies [2].

Our purpose is to substantiate the importance of agile marketing and its role in modern business environment.

Objectives of this work:

  1. To explore the essence of agile marketing.
  2. To identify the specific characteristics of agile marketing.
  3. To prove the necessity of agile marketing implementation in modern market circumstances.

The following methods were used in the work: general scientific - analysis, synthesis and deduction; marketing methods - monitoring.

One should note that when we talk about marketing, especially connected with social net domain, we usually stuck with such aspects as: vast technical tasks with detailed descriptions of each marketing instrument, long-term media plan including projecting figures, fixed and non-changeable instrument budget, difficult executive structures and rough segregation of duties between marketing instruments. These points reflect a typical view on traditional marketing campaign for the majority of organizations. However, contemporary marketing assumes success of a campaign to depend on the reaction speed of changes in marketing environment and on innovation of solutions. Now we see an abundance of competitors in the market, the demand for strong close-knit marketing teams, an overbalance of marketing instruments of all kinds and an increasing role of perforating analytics and making relations with customers from different sides. Other words, modern marketing dictates new rules. As a consequence, today to be the leader you need extra flexibility, transparency and productive working team. This is what agile marketing is about. It differs from traditional marketing in several important ways, including a focus on frequent releases, deliberate experimentation, and a relentless commitment to audience satisfaction [3]. Its aim is to build a supple marketing campaign and get a maximized profit in the resource-limited turbulent environment. This is the reason why agile marketing is becoming more and more widespread.

Now we know what Agile is, but how did it appear? Agile Marketing came from the sphere of Software Development in 2001 as an alternative and completely revolutionary way of selling products in comparison to the one specialist used before. Agile software development teams could now provide: transparency and visibility into their work throughout the development process; early and predictable delivery of small increments of work instead of one huge project that might take years to complete; predictable costs and schedule rather than ever-expanding scopes and timelines; adaptation to changes in the market and business goals; а focus on user needs and business value; higher quality products with fewer bugs and defects.Over time it has become obvious that other aspects of modern businesses could benefit from taking similar approaches to their work, and so Agile has begun to spread from software into other functions [4]. Agile marketing is one of the newer applications, with the Agile Marketing Manifesto having been written in 2012. Ideas presented there made some essential accents, for example: people and relations are more important than instruments and processes, the role of working product prevail over documentation, cooperation with the customer is more valuable than coordination of contractual terms and that preparation for changes is more useful than following the original plan. These strategic directions induced the establishment of concrete methodics like Scrum, XP and Kanban which have become integral parts of up-to-date marketing in various busnesses and widely used without even knowing or real understading what Agile Marketing is. Agile marketing itself has a wide range of characteristics introduced in practice:

  1. It supposes a constant client research, use of nessesary changes, making regular analytics and frequent measurement of results.
  2. Clients’ needs and preferences are on the first place in the development of marketing campaign. The work of all departmets is aimed to their responce. As a result, there is no competition and internal conflicts.
  3. Adaptative campaigns consist of short cycles of iterations. If there is a nessesity of making changes while completing an iteration, it will be done immediately and without any obstacles.
  4. Agile Marketing do not completely refuses planning but preview future changes.
  5. Providing several tests connected with brend positioning, sales and bonuses, loyalty programmers, efficiency of marketing channels and etc, is more advantageous than conducting a global research. Their results tend to be more actual.

Talking about practical use we can determine two concrete features that make Agile Marketing so special. Firstly, working during short iterations using the cycle «hypothesis-test-analyses-conclusions” marketing teams reach a rapid rhythm of constant changes in marketing campaigns in a turbulent marketing environment. Such effect provides a systemic growth of business rates just in a few months. Secondly, the team itself is an important factor. The group reflects self-organization and proactivity. They come up to original ideas and solutions that can not occur while following rigid hierarchical we used to adhere to.

Also, it is necessary to pay attention to strategy of Facebook as a pioneer in field of Agile. Mark Zuckerberg mentioned that company value is to become fast, bold and open-inspired by hacking. For Zuckerberg, being open meant maintaining a high level of transparency in the management of the company, because he strongly believes that the more information people have, the better their decisions and the stronger the impact will be [5].

It is a good idea to end up with quote of Herman Gref, who works as a CEO of Sberbank nowadays: «If you don’t learn Agile today, then you will become a looser tomorrow».




Agilesherpas [Electronic resource] – Marketing team categories - URL: https://vk.com/away.php?to=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.agilesherpas.com%2Fstate-agile-marketing-2018%2F&cc_key= (Date of the request: 08.10.2020)

Козлова Н.А. Актуальность применения адаптивного подхода к управлению маркетингом в условиях сокращения бюджетов. Практический маркетинг. 2016. № 12-1 (2381). С. 38-45.

Agilesherpas [Electronic resource] - Difference between Agile Marketing and Traditional Marketing – URL: https://www.agilesherpas.com/what-is-agile-marketing/ (Date or the request: 09.10.2020)

Marketinginsidergroup.com [Electronic resource] - From Agile Software Development to Agile Marketing - URL: https://marketinginsidergroup.com/content-marketing/agile-marketing-everything-need-know/ (Date or the request: 07.10.2020)

Scott Brinker – «Agile-marketing», 2016. – Part I, chapter 1 – Facebook


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №9 (42) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Sukhina K.P., Grigorieva K.A. AGILE MARKETING: A NEW STRATEGY IN A TURBULENT BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT // Вестник науки №9 (42) том 3. С. 9 - 13. 2021 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/4774 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/4774

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