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Amangeldinova M.K., Balgabayeva V.T.




the study examines the importance and role of qualified specialists in the field of tourism. Considered the main elements that included in the tourist package for foreign tourists. In addition, it was conducted review of organizations serving foreign tourists. Information has been collected on the formation of professional qualifications of service providers for foreign tourists   

Ключевые слова:
tourism, foreign tourists, qualified specialists, tourism organizations   

Foreign guests are served from the moment of making a call to the hotel or writing an application for booking a room. The operating system of the service and the reception of tourists can be considered in the following stages: - reception, registration and accommodation of guests; - accommodation and meals (cleaning of rooms); - provision of additional services to residents; - final calculation and registration of flights. The services to be performed, such as pre-location request, settlement registration, settlement for accommodation and services, departure registration, are carried out in the guest registration and accommodation section. Guests staying at the hotel can be served by hotel employees (booking Department, reception, etc.) and employees of other enterprises (retailers, hairdressers, medical centers, etc.). The main services of the reception service are: booking places in the hotel, registration and accommodation of tourists, making payments during the departure of guests, providing various information. Orders from customers are sent primarily to the booking department or guest registration department. They can be received via email, work phone, and other means of communication. This type of service is designed for the guest at the entrance to the hotel, so that it is convenient for him. At the same time, there will be no difficulties in working with documents in the Registration Department[1, p. 40]. When booking in advance, the registration process reduces the time, since the customer's data is already known to the employee. The next part of the operational process is the reception desk. It consists of meeting with the client, registering, issuing a key and, if necessary, moving to the number. There can be two types of accommodation: at the airport or at the train station (at a long distance); located in the immediate vicinity of the hotel or lobby. A meeting on remote roads will allow you to get acquainted with guests, develop or adjust the service program, and talk about the hotel and the services provided. This mutual agreement is mutually agreed upon when booking a room in advance [2, p. 117]. When registering a guest at the hotel, you will be charged the cost of booking, additional payment for various services at the hotel. After that, the hotel employee fills out a business card, i.e. a guest card, indicating the guests ' stay, number and period of stay. A special document that gives the right to enter the hotel and the key to the room are issued to the guest. After registration is completed, the Messenger will escort the guest to the number assigned to him. In the presence of hand luggage, it assists in the transportation of cargo [3, p. 285]. Any tourist, when traveling abroad, first of all, goes to travel agents and tourist operators. Service providers of this group will be able to fully prepare the tourist for the trip. First of all, the documents are issued. Then a tourist package will be organized. The tour package includes elements from Figure 1. Fig. 1. The main elements included in the tourist package. After purchasing a tourist package consisting of four mandatory elements, a tourist can receive significant benefits from the tour operator, as he buys a series of tourist products of the tour company, and also has the right to ask the tour operator to add other additional services to the tourist product. The tour operator plays an important role in tourism, as it collects various services in a single package and produces travel products; it distributes them through a travel agent. The theoretical foundations for improving the technology of receiving foreign citizens were considered. In general, I focused on the service specialists separately. Employees of the reception and accommodation Department of the hotel were given a description and analysis.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №5 (38) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Amangeldinova M.K., Balgabayeva V.T. FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS OF SERVICE PROVIDERS TO FOREIGN TOURISTS // Вестник науки №5 (38) том 2. С. 60 - 63. 2021 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/4415 (дата обращения: 06.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/4415

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