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Stefurak N.A., Deberdieva N.P., Dolgushina J.N.




in this paper research features of staff incentives in the concept of motivational impact.   

Ключевые слова:
motivation, incentive, staff   

Any enterprise is a mechanism consisting of parts - workers. Incorrect, slow or insufficient actions of one part can lead to malfunction of the entire mechanism. In order to prevent precedents in the work of the organization, it is necessary to encourage people to assume their responsibilities in the best possible way. The correct choice of ways to stimulate personnel will help to increase the profit of the organization or achieve other goals: expand the sales market, increase the organization's reputation among customers and competitors, as well as raise the desire of employees to work for the benefit of the enterprise. Personnel is a working resource of the enterprise, which is determined by the complex of physical and mental abilities of employees, and their ability to work. In addition, personnel is a factor of production that determines the efficiency of the enterprise and ensures the functioning of any organization. The development of the Russian economic system causes changes in the activities of enterprises in various fields of activity. Considering that one of the determining factors of the economic result of an enterprise's activity is the efficiency of the use of labor resources, the issue of staff incentives requires special attention. Stimulation of personnel should be focused on important interests for employees, allow employees to self-actualize in the process of work. Only if there is such an opportunity, the work of staff will be highly effective. Rewards and punishments in the incentive system are not new and are actively used to increase the performance results of employees. However, in order to increase the effectiveness of these methods, it is necessary to use them correctly, expanding new approaches to their application. The study of the characteristics of staff incentives shows that motivation gives results in cases where the employees of the enterprise feel recognition of their contribution to the achievement of the organization's goal, receive a well-deserved status. Considering this, to demonstrate the position of the employee in the eyes of colleagues and outside the organization, the stimulating effect can be expressed in the atmosphere of the workplace and the size of the office, invitations to participate in serious negotiations and prestigious meetings of different levels, travelling abroad, as well as special designation of the position. It should be noted that the above mentioned method of raising the status ought to be used carefully, since in the future, selective or complete withdrawal of the previously granted status, often leads to very unrestrained reactions, in some cases right up to dismissal. Optimizing the variants of usage also requires the most common method of financial incentives - bonuses. A bonus paid periodically, without a clear link to the  performance results, is gradually perceived as part of the salary. Bonuses to all team members in the same amount serve rather as a demotivator for employees who believe that the volume and quality of work of theirs and other colleagues is different. And the punishment in the form of deprivation of bonuses for misconduct is perceived by employees as an attempt to infringe upon their financial rights. For optimal results, it is preferable to apply material incentives irregularly and unexpectedly. They motivate better than predictable ones. Financial incentives should be proportional to achievements. It is advisable to reward employees for intermediate success, without waiting for the results of long or voluminous work. For this, the process of achieving the final result of the work (or task) must be divided into stages so that an objective assessment can be made for each of them. This assessment will determine the level of remuneration in accordance with the actual work performed. Significant material rewards are not often used, and are given to a limited number of employees, and cause envy of those who did not receive them. In contrast, small and frequent cash rewards are satisfying. It should be remembered that in order to maintain friendly atmosphere in the team, frequent medium-sized material rewards can be used on obvious grounds, without constantly singling out any of the employees. Management's response to the results should be prompt and fair. Employees need to know that their efforts are noticed and rewarded. For a greater motivational effect, work performed and reward should not be separated by a significant period of time. Material rewards must be paid without delay; they must not remain intentions and promises. Incentives are used to motivate employees to work hard to achieve the best results. The use of punishments is intended to prevent actions that may do harm to the enterprise. The ratio of the use of rewards and punishments, as a rule, is determined by the management of the enterprise.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №11 (32) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Stefurak N.A., Deberdieva N.P., Dolgushina J.N. FEATURES OF STAFF INCENTIVES IN THE CONCEPT OF MOTIVATIONAL IMPACT // Вестник науки №11 (32) том 4. С. 15 - 18. 2020 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/3768 (дата обращения: 04.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/3768

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