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Saidokhunova S.T.




the article is dealt with one of the actual themes of Modern Teaching Methodology - actual problems of organizing the foreign language teaching in secondary schools, because the English language becomes one of the most communicative languages of the world as a global language, English is being used as the language of science, business, technique and internet. So our education needs to develop the English language teaching system at secondary schools. And it is pride for me to contribute with this article to further development of teaching methodology and I hope the results of my research will help effectively the teachers-in service in teaching English   

Ключевые слова:
elementary stage, background knowledge, competence, memorize, introductory course, language atmosphere   

While teaching English language at the elementary stage, the learners’ pedagogical, psychological features, their ages and their background knowledge must be taken into consideration. It must be considered whether they have learnt English language at kindergartens or not. Here, we shall stop at teaching English from the beginning. Now, continuous teaching English is required. Communicative competence is in the initiative position in teaching English at elementary stage and this way of teaching is on the base of stage standards of education. There are features of teaching at the elementary stage. The young learners are usually very much interested in games, different colorful pictures; especially the beginners will remember their education from the kindergarten. The immediately memory has been developed well. The learners memorize what they hear from their teachers and repeat them. Imitation is very strong in them [1, c. 87]. G.V.Rogova worked at teaching English at the elementary stage. She suggested the technology of “acquaintance + exercise and checking it”. It is understood the following way: “acquaintance” is showing, translating, “exercise”. It is doing the exercise and checking it, “practice” is using it independently [4]. S.M.Nikonova suggests the following technologies of teaching English at the elementary stage: – The method of oral teaching; – Teaching through the typical sentences (give me…) [3] The learners orally memorize the poems and songs with great interest as they are learning English language for the first time. The learners are taught English orally from the beginning of school year. Teaching English is conducted through oral introductory course, it means that it will be taught orally for a long period of time. The teacher chooses words, songs, poems, games that are easy for learners to pronounce. The following structures are much used: it is …. , this…., they are …. , I have…., I see…., what is it? And etc. The pictures are to be described in English. Teaching the names of the objects and let them be said, choosing and showing them, making up sentences are used a lot in teaching English orally. The teacher must put the learners in English language atmosphere. For that, the words and phrases are showed in action, they are conducted through English commands orally without translations and the English commands can be as followings: “open (close) the door, stand up, sit down, go (come) to me, and etc.” While teaching the command “sit down”, the teacher lowers her (his) hand, pointing down. And, if the teachers raises her (his) hand, while teaching command “stand up”, the learners understand it without a translation, then the learners practice it and show it to the teacher. Teaching English for beginners is based on the principle of oral speech priority. It means that the learners learn English orally for 2, 3, 4 hours first, then they read them after 2, 3, 4 hours. The learners are taught how to read they have learnt orally. At the elementary stage, English pronunciation is taught while pronouncing the words and phrases in English together. The learners learn the meaning and the content of lexics from the English language atmosphere and seeing pictures, objects and from the teacher’s speech, actions, gestures, mimics, commands, without a translation, but the grammar is taught through the method of lexical way. The learners are taught English pronunciations through listening, seeing, saying in chorus, imitating, repeating [2, c. 34]. Before teaching reading, the teacher first writes the words, phrases, sentences in printed letters, reads them, then the learners repeat reading and copy them out, they read the sentences that are made up based on them. If there are some mistakes, they are corrected. The names of the English letters in the alphabet are taught. Printed letters are taught how to write and read in order not to get confused while reading words, sentences, texts in printed letters as there are some differences between printed and written letters. The learners study with interest without getting bored if there are 3 or 4 lessons per week. Teacher’s pronunciation, speech, reading, writing must be the language pattern and visually for the learners. The learners see their teacher’s pronouncing, speaking, reading, writing and they try to pronounce, speak write and read like their teacher does. Therefore, the teacher must work hard on her/himself.


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Ссылка для цитирования:

Saidokhunova S.T. TEACHING ENGLISH AT THE ELEMENTARY STAGE // Вестник науки №7 (28) том 2. С. 8 - 10. 2020 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/3421 (дата обращения: 04.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/3421

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