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Khaidov Kh.Ya.




Ecology of the urban environment is a very urgent problem. This problem is being solved by many scientists. Every year new dangers appear. The task of urban planners, architects, ecologists is to work together to improve the ecology of the city. This article discusses the theme of urban ecology   

Ключевые слова:
city, ecology, pollution, problems, environment   

With the growth of cities and urbanization of the population, the problem of the ecological state of the urban environment is becoming increasingly important. Since the city is an environment where there are all the processes of human activity. Humans are biosocial creatures, and therefore the quality of air, food, and water is a vital factor for humans. There are also a number of other environmental factors that affect the health of urban residents. These include noise, radiation and vibration. Since the problem of urban ecology is more and more relevant in our time, it will be considered by me in this article [1]. The history of creating an urban environment. Over the centuries of urbanization of the planet, urban methods have been formed and improved by trial and error. In this case, the dream of all participants in the urbanization process, including urban planners, architects, and residents, was a city with a beautiful atmosphere. Ideas about the ideal city were different. Some considered them as small cities, the second were large dynamic megalopolises, the third of them were small green "cities of the sun", and others - giant cities with glass skyscrapers. Urbanization of the planet has a long history - from the first small settlements to large cities [2]. The first settlements were basically simple environments that met their basic needs (shelter, childbirth, protection from enemies, etc.). Subsequently, cities turned into more complex structures with the increased needs of humanity. Technological progress was not only a key moment in the development of cities, but also had a significant impact on the ecology of the city. Every year there are more cars that not only pollute the air with emission gases, but also have a huge impact on the environment. The increase in built-up area and roads has led to a reduction in green spaces, which are a source of oxygen. Consider some of the environmental problems of the urban environment. Let's start with pollution, which greatly affects the health of the urban population. This is evidenced, in particular, by significant differences in the health status of the population in certain areas of the same city. Many factors affect the health of citizens, in particular, the characteristic features of urban life - lack of physical activity, increased nervous stress, transport fatigue, and a number of others, but environmental pollution is the biggest problem. The most noticeable negative consequences of environmental pollution in a large city are manifested in the deterioration of the health status of residents in comparison with rural residents. Along with air pollution, people's health negatively affects many other factors in the urban environment. Noise pollution in cities is almost always local, and this is mainly due to transport - wagons, trains, etc. The noise levels on the main roads of large cities already exceed 90 dB and tend to increase annually by 0.5 db This is the biggest environmental hazard in areas close to busy motorways. Medical studies show that increased noise levels contribute to the development of neuropsychiatric diseases and hypertension. Noise protection in central cities is hampered by the density of existing buildings, which make building noise screens and expanding roads and green spaces to reduce noise levels is very difficult [1]. Thus, the most promising solutions to this problem are to reduce the internal noise of vehicles (especially trams), as well as the construction of sound-insulated buildings on the main highways, as well as the installation of green facades and three-layer windows (with the simultaneous use of mechanical ventilation) [3]. A particular problem is the increase in vibration in urban areas, the main source of which is transport. This question is at the research stage, but there is no doubt that its significance will increase. Vibration contributes to faster destruction and destruction of buildings and structures, but, most importantly, it can adversely affect the most accurate processes. It is especially important to emphasize that vibration does the most harm to advanced industries, and, accordingly, its growth can have a limited effect on the ability of scientific and technological progress in urban areas [4]. The way to create an environment in a city that is comfortable for people to live in is very long and tedious. At the present stage of development, when the city is overpopulated in comparison with other settlements, an urgent problem of the ecology of the urban environment arises. At the moment, the main task of ecologists, urban planners and architects is to create the most comfortable conditions for human life. This will require a lot of work so that the modern city can enjoy all the benefits of scientific progress, while remaining environmentally suitable for human life


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №11 (20) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Khaidov Kh.Ya. ENVIRONMENTALPROBLEMS OFTHE URBAN ENVIRONMENT // Вестник науки №11 (20) том 2. С. 6 - 8. 2019 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/2202 (дата обращения: 16.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/2202

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